Beautiful pics of Mariah Carey and Maria Menounos feet & legs

Maria Menounos, a Greek American journalist and TV hostess is an actress. She's hosted Extra, E! She worked as a reporter for Today Access Hollywood. The actress shared her health following her battle with the stage 2 form of cancer privately earlier this summer. Menounos stated, "I'm feeling great and thankful to be healthy along with my son." Litsa (Maria's) mother, who was diagnosed GBM at the age of the 61st year It is a very uncommon and deadly brain cancer. Menounos played a significant role in taking care of her mother while she received chemotherapy and radiation. Mariah Carey was an American artist, songwriter, recording producer, and actress. Guinness World Records referred to Mariah Carey as Songbird Supreme. Her songwriting style is melodic and she utilizes the whistle register in her trademark style.

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